
Sangha Friends & Projects

How you can help the BRC  flourish?

There are many ways of showing your goodwill and generosity towards the BRC, a registered non-profit organisation. But if you cannot think of any particular helpful gesture, why not make a Bequest, become a Donor or Paid-up Yogi?

As a Bequest

One of the most effective long-term ways of supporting the BRC is to leave a bequest in your Will to the Buddhist Institute of South Africa which is the ultimate entity that provides continuity and direction to the Buddhist Retreat Centre. The Trust is managed by people of professional standing and proven integrity and adherence to Buddhist ethical principles.

As a Monthly Donor

A Monthly Donor arranges a  transfer of a regular monthly sum, however small, into the Buddhist Institute of South Africa account.  Just imagine: if only one in every 100 people on our mailing list donated R 50 per month, it would mean an additional income for the BRC of R 24 000 per year. Imagine further what difference this would make to the Centre’s welfare and longevity.

As a Paid-up Yogi

Your contribution as a Paid-up Yogi remains to your benefit in the form of a credit, which you will use towards the cost of future retreats. You will also receive a 10% discount on you future retreats.
You can become a Yogi in the following categories:

Kondanna Yogi:


Ananda Yogi:


Moggalana Yogi:


Sariputta Yogi:




 (These Yogis were the closest disciples of the Buddha)

As A Sangha Friend


Bank account details:
Account Name: Buddhist Institute of SA,
Bank: FNB (First National Bank)
Account Number: 52555029829,
Branch code: 220223
Branch Name: Ixopo

The BRC offers Credit Card facilities.

Please call the office on 066 395 4682 or 082 579 3037 should you wish to process a card payment telephonically.