
Sangha Projects: June 2015

Generosity is the first of the Paramitas (Perfections) and the most highly praised of the Buddha’s teachings, because it gives rise to the other quintessential qualities of virtue. This altruism is evident in the way our patrons and donors respond so spontaneously to the needs of the Centre - needs that are not catered for in the rates we (reluctantly) charge for food and accommodation. 

Thank you to Dave Paterson, Kim Darke, Linda Van der Nest, Melanie Wicks, Barbara Day, Annegret Rood, Peter Wellman, R. Brownath, Rosemary Turner, Stephen Coan, Antony Lavoipierre, Pam Evans, Kushy Ramjathan and Jack Schmitter, for your continued generosity which has enabled the ongoing refurbishment and upgrading of the Centre.  Dave Paterson has been so generous with his time and expertise in guiding the Buddha Boma’s initial construction. 

You would have noticed the tiny but effective torches on our keyrings, thanks to Marie Kotzee for arranging a substantial discount, and Venessa Muller for following this project through.  Erika van Greunen has, in her usual thoughtful way, donated Dharma books to the shop, and DVD’s for the Wednesday Dharma evenings, while Chris Dalzell donated a large number of indigenous trees which are happily rooted and flourishing in the BRC gardens. We were also grateful for the donation of CD’s from Terry Turner, of Snow Lion.

So many photographers have been inspired by the BRC environment and we have been happy recipients of stunning pics from Carina Prins, Andrew Brown, Angela Buckland and Charles Smith. Three short videos of the BRC were filmed by Ivo Visic, Charles Smith and Michael Almendro, and can be viewed on our website.  Ans van der Walt continues to upgrade our library with her expertise and diligence. Alex Stone and his family from New Zealand donated a bench to commemorate his parents who lived at Canowie in the early 50’s. 

Charmaine Goott very generously replaced the torn canvass on our rather dishevelled terrace umbrella; a truly magnanimous gesture! Mike Donegan and Suraya Tewary gifted some beautiful linen, which was so welcome. There have been countless other gestures, from a beautiful coffee machine, to garden tools from John Bulteel, fruit and vegetables from Kushy Ramjathan, mulberry paper for the Sumie retreats from Denise Ground, not to mention the many caring gestures from our staff, Venessa Muller, Amy Best, Marion Gordon, Paul Atkinson and Colin Kemery in keeping the BRC running so well.  Thanks too to Venessa for the sterling job she does in updating our Facebook. 

Thank you, everybody, for your generosity!
