
Sangha Projects: September 2016

Generosity is the first of the Paramitas (Perfections) and the most highly praised of the Buddha’s teachings, because it gives rise to the other quintessential qualities of virtue. This altruism is evident in the way our patrons and donors respond so spontaneously to the needs of the Centre - needs that are not catered for in the rates we (reluctantly) charge for food and accommodation.

 Our gratitude goes again to our Monthly Donors: Kim Darke, Linda Van der Nest, Melanie Wicks, Barbara Day, Annegret Rood, Peter Wellman, R. Brownath, A. Schwankhart, Rosemary Turner, Stephen Coan, Antony Lavoipierre, Pam Evans, and to our current Paid-Up Yogis: Jack Schmitter, Frank Hunter, Ingrid Adams, John Bustin, Sally Talbot, Nikki Milich and Ian Chalmers for their generosity which enables the ongoing maintenance and refurbishment of the Centre, and the realisation of various projects.

 Ans van der Walt continues to upgrade our library with her expertise and diligence, while grateful thanks must go to Beena and Brendon Hatcher of Brillantweb for their technical support.

 There have been countless generous gestures to the BRC, from donations of books for our library from John MacDougall, Kaz Kiepiel, Trish Bartley, Peter Scholtz and Gabrielle Kraft, to beautiful photographs (Hugh Bland, Alan Wilson, Gail Bowers-Withers, Andrew Brown), indigenous trees, (Heather and Alan Wilson) and Chris Dalzell, who helped manicure the area around the Buddha Boma, and provided bidem for the surrounds. Oscar Willemse donated kitchenware, and Trish Liebetrou some beautiful earthenware ceramics and crockery. Valerie Hindson and Annegret Rood made the finishing touches to the Buddha Boma’s finials possible with their donations. Gavin de Kock pre-empted Christmas when he arrived with a car load of vegetables, fruit, cake and other treats for the staff, and Antony and Margie Osler who never forget our staff who were all spoiled with gifts when they came to conduct their Stoep Zen. These many caring gestures are a profound testimony to the generosity of so many people who touch our hearts! Huge thanks to all our staff for their dedication and commitment to the Centre, and for their many caring gestures to keep the Centre running so smoothly.

 Grateful thanks must go to Neil Stephenson and Sibongile Nzuza who helped to set up the Stokvel for our local staff, and to Robyn Pooley who has provided all our bee boxes and settled our bees in them. May the honey flow!

 We are indebted to Tokozani Nene who is always available to advise and help as interpreter.

Thank you - everybody!                          
