
The BuddhaBoma: it’s on its way - at last!

After many false starts, Chris Dalzell has located the eight trees that tell the story of the Buddha’s life and teachings.   His partner, Pamela Evans, has offered to fund the boardwalk that leads from the circular road behind the Buddha statue, past the labyrinth, to the circular platform where the meditation pavilion will be built.   The trees will be planted around the perimeter of the Boma, enabling visitors to circumambulate them, each tree representing an important aspect of  Buddhist history and philosophy.

In the meantime, we have been planting additional indigenous trees around the Boma.  These are growing up well.  Isolde Mellett  managed to source 100 of them!  We will therefore soon have a Buddhist-inspired botanical garden in the middle of an African indigenous forest!

Many thanks to all those who have made donations towards this unique project; it is likely to last forever – well, at least a hundred years or more and will attract many visitors.  

But we still have to erect the decorative bamboo fence and build the meditation pavilion, the rock garden and circumambulatory path.  We would welcome donations towards this final part of the project.  All donations will be acknowledged and recorded in the Boma.  

 Maybe in your next life you will come across it again…
