
International Zen teacher: David Loy at the BRC

david-loyBook early for “Awakening from the illusion of separateness: a Zen retreat” led by international Zen teacher, David Loy, from December 20-27. “To study the Buddha Way is to study yourself. To study yourself is to forget yourself. To forget yourself is to realise your intimacy with all things.” Read more about the retreat here.

We are here to overcome the illusion of our separateness” Thich Nhat Hanh

 Friends, this is an invitation to a public talk or retreat over the Christmas and New-Year Season with leading edge philosopher David Loy. Do listen to a short interview here with David where he talks about the interface of inner transformation through spiritual practice and a world in crisis.

David is an esteemed American Buddhist author, philosopher, activist and teacher. He trained in the Sanbo Zen tradition of Japanese Buddhism and a professor of Buddhist Studies. His articles appear regularly in journals such as Tricycle and Buddhadharma, and his latest book is A New Buddhist Path: Enlightenment, Evolution and Ethics in the Modern World. David’s other books include, Money, Sex, War, Karma and The World is Made of Stories.

David offers lectures, workshops and retreats nationally and internationally, focusing primarily on the encounter between Buddhism and modernity. He is especially concerned about social and ecological issues. David has taught before in South Africa, at UCT, and is looking forward to returning with his wife Linda. Visit David’s web site.

Catch Up with David at the following venues, times, and spaces:


Dec 14 Johannesburg
Evening Talk: Why Buddhism and the Modern World Need Each Other
Dana (free will offering)
Acacia Rd, Blackheath

Dec 15 – 18 Emoyeni Retreat Centre, Magaliesberg
From R2250 – R2600  + Dana for teacher
Info: www.emoyeni.org.za
Transforming self, transforming world:
Engaging our world with insight, wisdom and compassion.
What is the connection between personal and social transformation? During this retreat we will connect the endless quest for fulfillment fuelled by this inner emptiness, with what is happening in the world around us. A world that seems increasingly over-run with greed, aggression and division. We will explore how our collective sense of separation from the rest of the biosphere lies at the heart of the ecological crisis. The retreat includes silent meditation, dharma talks and discussions.



Dec 20 – 27 Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo

From R700 – R1,500 per night + R450 surcharge + Dana for teacher
Info: www.brcixopo.co.za
Awakening From the Illusion of Separateness: A Zen Retreat
Our usual sense of being a self that is separate from the rest of the world is a delusive mental construct haunted by a sense of lack: “something is wrong with me.” Of necessity, such a self is anxious and insecure because it’s not real! This retreat will include meditation, contemplative inquiry and discussion to explore the nature and implications of nondual experience. We will pay special attention to the habits of thinking that perpetuate the illusion of separation, and how to awaken to our connection to all of life. As Dogen put it: “To study the Buddha Way is to study yourself. To study yourself, is to forget yourself. To forget yourself is to realise your intimacy with all things.”

Dec 30 – Jan 5, Dharmagiri Insight Meditation Centre, Underberg
From R450 – R500 per night + 500 surcharge + Dana for teacher
Info: www.dharmagiri.org /
Waking From Our Illusions: A Meditation Retreat
Buddhist teachings emphasize the link between dukkha - an inner anguish, or the feeling of un-satisfactoriness that hinders our inability to enjoy life -- and the delusive view of a self; that we are separate from others. We need to stop evading the emptiness at our core, and instead realize the fullness, beauty and potential of our true nature. During this retreat we will connect the endless quest for fulfillment, fuelled by this inner emptiness, with what is happening in the world around us; a world that seems increasingly over-run with greed and division. In the face of such challenges, we will explore how we can engage our world with the power of insight, wisdom and healing compassion. The retreat includes silent meditation together; dharma talks with discussion, and small group interviews. There will also be one-on-one interviews. 


Jan 13, Public Talk – 7pm
Erin Hall, Rondebosch
Why Buddhism & the Modern World Need Each Other
Dana (free will offering)


Jan 14 – 15, Non-Residential Retreat
Erin Hall, Rondebosch
Cost (TBA) 
Info for all CT events: /  


Day One: 9.30 – 5 pm
Awakening from the Illusion of Our Separation 
Our usual sense of self is haunted by a sense of lack: “something is wrong with me”… “I’m not good enough”. Why do we never have enough money, fame, sex, etc.? Because we try to fill up our sense of lack with them – but it doesn’t work. The sense of self needs to be deconstructed and reconstructed, which the Buddhist path (among others) shows us how to do. The karma teaching is about reconstructing the self by transforming our motivations. Contemplative practices deconstruct the self, helping us to “let go” and realize our true nature.


Day Two: 9.30 – 4pm
Buddhism and the Ecological Challenge
The ecological crisis – which includes global warming but is much bigger than that – is the greatest challenge that humanity has ever faced. What does Buddhism offer, if that can help us understand and respond appropriately? And what does ecological crisis mean for how we understand and practice Buddhism (or any spiritual path) today? Among other things, we will reflect together on the parallels between our perennial individual predicament (according to traditional Buddhism) and our collective predicament today in relation to the biosphere. What does this all imply about how we understand the bodhisattva path? What does it mean to be an “Ecosattva”? 

READ HERE – David’s Article on Climate Change and Buddhism: A TALE of TWO ICEBERGS