Sunday 20 July 2025
  • From Seeking to Seeing - The Heart Of Meditation

    Teacher: Dave Gardner
    Cost: 2 days accommodatuion + R450 surchrge

    dave gardner 2022In this retreat, participants can expect to be guided gently through the process of becoming mindful through meditation and movement. David will lead sitting meditation as well as walking and moving meditation in the inspiring and nourishing sanctuary of the BRC. He will also facilitate intentional open discussions around the fire to stoke the wholesome sparks of enquiry and deep listening. Whether you are a beginner or committed practitioner, this process will empower you to cultivate presence, clarity, adaptability, creativity and patience. The retreat will be held in an atmosphere of noble silence and introspection.

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    David Gardner has been teaching for 13 years and studied meditation, yoga, martial arts, movement, acrobatics and dance with some remarkable teachers across the world. He formed 'Original Condition' - a practice for people to remember the heart of life. He is a preceptee at Poplar Grove and has been practising with Antony and Margie Osler within the Zen tradition. Dave has also been inspired by Joseph Goldstein, Bhikkhu Anālayo, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach.