Tibetan yantra yoga (Trul-Khor) includes vigorous movement and powerful breathing exercises, visualisation, meditation, the practice of mudras (ritual gestures) and the chanting of bija mantras (seed-syllables) i.e. OM, AH, HUM to remove blockages in the subtle energy system (chakras and nadis) and to regulate the flow of the so-called lung (prana).
Most of the body postures are performed either standing or sitting and are interspersed with periods of meditation. Tibetan yantra yoga presents effective means of healing and harmonising body and mind. However, the ultimate goal of Tibetan yantra yoga is to awaken to our natural state and inner wisdom
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Max Weier was born in Switzerland where he currently resides. He has been studying and practising various Buddhist traditions, Daoist disciplines such as Qigong, as well as Vedanta and Yoga for forty years. He has been teaching internationally for 25 years. He is an author on Qigong and Daoist mysticism.