
Detailed List of Retreats

Events for
Sunday 29 November 2020
  • Going With The Flow: Integrating meditation and mindfulness into our daily life

    Teacher: Bruce van Dongen
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R200 surcharge

    bruce van dongenThe aim of this workshop is to develop the tools that enable us to arrive gently and lucidly in the present moment, being aware of the ebb and flow of our moods and emotions and learning to be mindful instead of reactive in our interactions with others. Using the techniques presented, we will learn to train our minds to be centered on the present so that we can flow with the river of life instead of fighting against the current of our conditioning. There is great joy in being present, no matter what is happening. We will explore Kundalini yoga, which is a combination of stationary and dynamic poses and qigong (chi kung) techniques. These practices increase our energy level and give us the capacity to be fully present and integrated in our bodies and minds. This is a meditation-centered practice - not a physical yoga practice. The workshop will be varied to allow retreatants of all ages and levels of experience to derive great benefit from this very old tradition. Bring comfortable clothing and a sun hat.

    View teacher details
    Bruce van Dongen is a mechanical engineer. He has been practising yoga for many years and is a qualified  teacher in the Hatha and Kundalini disciplines. He is a Director of The Waterfall Retreat and Environmental Centre and uses both nature and yoga as his soothing systems to balance the pressures of the corporate world.

  • Transition Online For Women: Would you like to transition beyond current challenges into a better place than you were before?

    Teacher: Monique Beekman
    Cost: Donation directly to Monique

    (maximum 10 participants)

    “ If you bring forth that which is within you, what you bring forth, will save you...."
    If you do not bring forth that which is within you.... What you do not bring forth, will destroy you”....

    Have you been feeling lost, blocked or stuck?

    Transition Online is designed to support you through the effects of the emotional and mental challenges you have experienced during 2020 in a way that resolves even age old trauma and transforms not only your present, but also your future...
    'To have what you do not yet have, you have to go where you have not yet been. There is no other way!'
    With this in mind, we are thrilled to bring you Transition Online to deeply and profoundly resolve relevant and related issues...

    Part 1: Saturday 14, 21, 28 November
    (a) Register for Session A: 7-8.30/9am 

    OR on the same dates

    (b) Register for Session B: 10-11.30/12

    Part 2 & 3: Sat & Sun 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20 December

    (a) Register for Session A: 7-8.30/9am 

    OR on the same dates

    (b) Register for Session B: 10-11.30/12

    Registrants please note:

    To be part of this workshop: 

    1. AFTER registration please immediately email Monique at  to confirm your attendance.
    2. And she will send you the prep video
    3. Also send her your WhatsApp number for important posts that only get posted in the group chat. Send your whatsapp number immediately please, so you can be added to the confirmed list for the group which is opened a few days before the workshop begins.
    4. Please be on time for the sessions and turn on video & audio as this is an interactive experience and won't be recorded.
    5. Have fun in this deeply transformational experience!

    Clear your energy field, mind and emotions & move into 2021 with renewed clarity, purpose & enthusiasm for life.

    Please make payments to http://paypal.me/MoniqueSky1

    Or EFT to:
    Account holder: Monique Beekmann
    Institutions name: Nedbank 
    Branch code:196005
    Account type: Current/Cheque
    Account number: 112 435 3240

    View teacher details
    Monique's love of facilitating groups to a place of inner well-being, began with teaching Reiki over 20 years ago. She trained Reiki Masters in JHB, KZN, the Cape, Gauteng and the Netherlands. Aside from her studies since then, and her experience and evolution over 27 years as an Ethno-psychologist, continuous self-development also forms a very important part of the foundation of her skills and abilities. This combination enables her to relate to your journey in a very real way, and as an Empath, to effectively & empathetically support you on your journey.