
Detailed List of Retreats

Beginner's Mind: A Zoom(erang) Collage and Writing Mini-Retreat: To take us through the gate of the year

Teacher: Dorian Haarhof
Cost: Suggested dana: R450
Dates: Saturday 09 January 2021 - Saturday 09 January 2021

9 Jan 2021 | Time 15.00 – 18.00 | Register

dorian haarhof 2019You share your rich knowledge and insights. You emanate a field of creativity in which we are inspired and gladly participate. (Evette Weyers, sculptor)

As we light the 2021 candle, we create a collage to bid the new year welcome. Beginner writers are welcome. Writing is about beginner’s mind.

Collages open us to the patterns, themes and rhythms of our lives. They can be made simply with pictures cut out from magazines and pasted on a large sheet. They offer us insights and surprises. And access the deep self.

Explore your creativity and imagination and write about the emerging images in your collage - around the theme that chooses you. Through this ritual of beginnings, we become playfully present. We set intention, possibility and evoke courage.

There is no pressure to share. You can be a silent listener if you are more comfortable with that.

Preparation: assemble some 21 magazine pictures (remove any words). Have the A2 (or 2 x A3 stuck together) size sheet/board, glue and scissors ready. We’ll take it from there.

Zoomerang? We hurl our words across oceans and stars. They return to us with images hidden in the curve-like a boomerang. Folks respond positively to these zoom wordshops. They connect, enjoy the company and experience and discover their hidden writer inside.

I create a space that is safe, supportive and encouraging

This mini-retreat will help you:

  • learn and practise the craft of writing
  • breathe life into words and let words breathe life into you
  • find your voice as you open to your creativity and imagination
  • live a larger life as you explore symbols and archetypes
  • be entranced by the power of stories
  • find support, encouragement and fine company

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Dorian Haarhoff - writer, poet, story-teller, mentor and speaker. Passionate about developing innate creativity and imagination. I believe in the power of stories to create new realities. To bring healing. To build our belonging. A former Prof of English (Namibia), I have also taught in a Canadian creative writing faculty. And at the BRC for 25 years. My spiritual home. I base retreats on my text, The Writer’s Voice workbook. Poems appear in Quiet Food and the Cake the Buddha Ate. www.dorianhaarhoff.com