
Detailed List of Retreats

Karma (online)

Teacher: Ken Holmes
Cost: Donation to support the BRC during the COVID-19 lockdown
Dates: Saturday 26 September 2020 - Saturday 03 October 2020

ken holmes2020Karma: What Is It?

This first talk explores the Buddhist understanding of why life happens to each person in the way it does and how the way we deal with our karma is all-important, for both the present moment and the long-term future. Ken will concentrate on the overview and a deeper understanding of being embodied in this world rather than lists and details of karma that can be found in books.

26 September | 9.30-10.30am

Karma: What Can We Do About It?
The karma we inherit from our past forms the raw material of each moment, from which we can make either treasures or disasters. Words such as ‘acceptance’, ‘purification’ and ‘transformation’ are readily said but often misunderstood or poorly understood.  It is joyful to be able to live well-equipped to face whatever karma life brings. Dharma gives us the tools.

3 October | 9.30-10.30am

Kindly register for each session. You will receive a registration confirmation email per session that you register for. The email will contain the link to join the session.

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Ken Holmes is an internationally-respected dharma teacher and translator of ancient Tibetan texts. Former Director of Studies of the Samye Ling group of centres, he shares his fifty years of experience studying under many of the most famous Tibetan masters of the 20th century. The way Ken presents the teachings is deeply-informed yet very accessible and often with a light and humorous touch.