
Detailed List of Retreats

An Introduction To Mindfulness Based Living: "Knowing the present"

Teacher: Kerri Martinaglia and Chrissi Preuss
Cost: 2 days accommodation + R250 surcharge
Dates: Friday 10 June 2022 - Sunday 12 June 2022

kerri martinagliachrissi preuss2Mindfulness is defined as knowing what is happening, while it is happening, with an attitude of kindness and curiosity. In the beginning, we notice how our attention is like a butterfly flitting from one thought to the next. So we start by slowing down and settling our mind. We then introduce practices that ground us, allowing our attention to drop out of our heads and into the sensory awareness of the body. We learn to rest in the present moment getting used to disengaging from our habits of compulsive doing. During the retreat we will be “coming home” to our body, heart and mind; applying curiosity and compassion to whatever we notice. This attitude of openness, kindness and acceptance to whatever is there helps us to live with greater clarity and resilience. The weekend will be experiential and is designed as a helpful first step in developing your own personal Mindfulness practice or as a way of refreshing your existing practice.

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Kerri Martinaglia is the manager of The Waterfall Retreat and Environmental Centre. She is a student of the late Choje Akong Tulku Rinpoche and has trained within the Karma Kagyu Lineage and participated in several meditation retreats over the past 19 years, including a 6 month closed retreat at the Tara Rokpa Centre Retreat Valley in Groot Marico. In 2009 she was invited to join the Mindfulness Africa Organisation. She is the Mindfulness Africa Coordinator for KwaZulu Natal and has certification in hatha yoga and  qigong disciplines. Her special interests are how the combined practices of gentle movement, mindfulness and compassion can potentially help to restore our balance.

Chrissi Preuss has an Honours degree in Psychology from Rhodes University,  specialising in trauma and neuropsychology. After completing a Mindfulness Association 8-week course through The Waterfall Retreat  And  Environmental Centre, she set her heart on teaching yoga and has since completed an intensive 2-year yoga teacher training program. She approaches every class she teaches with kindness acommodating students of all ablility levels.