
Detailed List of Retreats

Travelling Light: Words To Lighten The Load Along The Road

Teacher: Dorrian Haarhoff
Cost: 2 days accommodation + R450 surcharge
Dates: Friday 26 September 2025 - Sunday 28 September 2025

dorian haarhof 2019Oh, tranquility
Penetrating the very rock,
A cicada’s voice. (Basho)

Writing and Mindfulness are close travelling companions, walking ancient paths. As they step through the natural world of wonders, they communicate sometime is silence, sometimes in words. They offer healing of body, mind and spirit. Come and practise how to release stress onto the page or screen amid the natural spendours of the BRC hills.

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Dorian Haarhoff (1944 or was it 1494?) writer, story-teller, mentor. For 30 years the BRC has enriched his life and practice. Passionate about developing innate creativity and imagination, he believes in the power of stories to spread loving kindness. To bring healing. To guide us into the here and now. To build our belonging. A former Professor of English (Namibia) Dorian’s retreats are based on his workbook, The Writer’s Voice. His poetry appears in Quiet Food and The Cake the Buddha Ate. When or if he grows up, he’d like to be Poet Dorieate of his spiritual home - the BRC.