
Detailed List of Retreats

An Introduction to Zen – Just Sitting Over The Full Moon Of May

Teacher: Roux Malan
Cost: 2 days accommodation + R400 surcharge
Dates: Friday 24 May 2024 - Sunday 26 May 2024

roux malanDuring this silent retreat you will be introduced to Just Sitting (zazen), Chanting (okyo), Vocalized Movements (Mu-I-Tai-Chi) which will enable you to cultivate

strong energy (Ki’ai) and quiet awareness (mindfulness). The ultimate aim of Zen practice is to meet our fears with love - “for where there is love (union) there is no fear” and to cultivate deep calm and strength over time. The sessions will alternate between zazen, walking meditation, chanting and the ten movements.

On the Saturday night in union with Buddhists around the world, we will hold a traditional Wesak ceremony - a lantern-lit circumambulation around the Buddha Rupa - to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha nearly 2500 years ago.

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Roux Malan lives in Somerset West where he leads a small community of Zen practitioners. He is an ordained Unitarian minister on the overseas role of ministers
of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches in the UK and currently serves the Cape Town Unitarians as a Community minister. He developed a deep and enduring interest in Zen Buddhism after attending the Parliament of World Religions in 1999. After moving to Rondebosch, he attended a weekly lay-led Zen group facilitated by Ron Schiff and participated in a Zazenkai retreat at the Dharma Centre in Robertson with Heila and Rodney Downey. In 2023 Roux started practising with a USA-based Zen community and completed Jiki (Just Sitting facilitator) Training. He also participated in a 49-day Training Session and two Zazenkai’s. He has a deep interest in eco-spirituality and interfaith work.