
Detailed List of Retreats

Mist Rising, Rain Falling: Qigong

Teacher: Di Franklin
Cost: 4 days accommodation plus R200 surcharge
Dates: Monday 14 February 2022 - Friday 18 February 2022

di franklinDi will be offering two sessions of qigong daily. Qigong can be loosely translated as the movement of energy. Qi is the energy derived from nature that is always around us. Using 6,000 year old movements, we can tap into this energy and thereby energise ourselves. Qigong exercises are slower than aerobics, but faster than tai chi. There will also be free time to relax and rest, and to take in the beauty of the BRC.

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Dianne Franklin is an Advocate in private practice. She has been studying Buddhism and Qigong for twenty years. She is a student of Max Weier, the Qigong Master from Switzerland. Her teachers include Rob Nairn, Geshe Pende and Ken Holmes.