
SOS: The BRC Needs Your Help

The BRC has embraced difficult and uncertain times before and we have found that with the help of the BRC family and friends we have always emerged with increased enthusiasm and confidence to continue to offer the Centre as a place for self-reflection and spiritual growth.

As has happened before, we are again facing challenging times and we need your help.

The BRC has not fully recovered from lockdown over Covid and the subsequent fallout from cancelled retreats, followed by the unrest in Natal two years ago. This - compounded by the low attendance of our retreats over the last 3 months - has resulted in the Centre being under serious financial constraint.

Being a non-profit organisation reliant solely on income from accommodation, we need to break even each month to cover our expenses. We are not doing that at the moment.

We are fervently appealing to you, our Friends and Supporters, who care deeply about the Centre, to help us keep the doors open.

These are the many ways you can help us through this difficult time.

Please support us by:

  • Booking for a retreat as we merge into spring and summer - we have a wonderful range of interesting retreats on offer
  • Offering a donation
  • Pledging a monthly contribution of R50 or more
  • Joining our Paid up Yogi scheme which involves paying a contribution forward whereby your credit can be used at any time in the future towards a retreat, with a 10% discount
  • Gifting a voucher to a friend or family member
  • Supporting our film, “Bodhi Is Light”
  • Purchasing our popular recipe books

As it is enshrined in the Buddhist tradition from the earliest of times, the continued existence of the Buddhist philosophy and teachings are dependent on the goodwill and material support and well wishes of its Sangha. This is how the BRC has continued to grow - with your support and friendship.

It would be a sad day if the Centre were to close in our 44th year of operating.

With Metta,


Our banking details:

Bank deposit:

Account: Buddhist Institute of S.A.
Bank: FNB
Branch: Ixopo (No: 220223)
Account No: 52555029829

For international payments:

Please use your NAME and DONATION
as reference on your payments
