22 - 28 May, 2023
26 May
  • From Self-Care to World-Care: Widening the Circle of Compassion

    Teacher: Lucy Draper-Clarke
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R400 surcharge

    lucy draper clarke phd 2019When you cultivate love and compassion for all beings, that means every being, including yourself.” Chamtrul Rinpoche

    Have you been feeling overwhelmed, disillusioned or fearful recently? You’re not alone. The first noble truth acknowledges the existence and inevitability of suffering in our lives. Yet, within every human heart is an innate and profoundly sustaining capacity for compassion. This capacity allows us to acknowledge the suffering of ourselves and others, and to respond with kindness and understanding rather than judgment or avoidance. Compassion is both an individual and collective practice that can transform the world around us.

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    Lucy Draper-Clarke PhD, author of The Compassionate Activist will walk beside you through the Four Immeasurables of loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. These ancient practices support us to expand our circle of compassion. Through experiential and interactive activities, you will learn how to apply these practices in your daily life. Join Lucy on this transformative retreat and learn how to cultivate an ever-widening circle of compassion that touches the lives of many.

27 May
  • From Self-Care to World-Care: Widening the Circle of Compassion

    Teacher: Lucy Draper-Clarke
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R400 surcharge

    lucy draper clarke phd 2019When you cultivate love and compassion for all beings, that means every being, including yourself.” Chamtrul Rinpoche

    Have you been feeling overwhelmed, disillusioned or fearful recently? You’re not alone. The first noble truth acknowledges the existence and inevitability of suffering in our lives. Yet, within every human heart is an innate and profoundly sustaining capacity for compassion. This capacity allows us to acknowledge the suffering of ourselves and others, and to respond with kindness and understanding rather than judgment or avoidance. Compassion is both an individual and collective practice that can transform the world around us.

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    Lucy Draper-Clarke PhD, author of The Compassionate Activist will walk beside you through the Four Immeasurables of loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. These ancient practices support us to expand our circle of compassion. Through experiential and interactive activities, you will learn how to apply these practices in your daily life. Join Lucy on this transformative retreat and learn how to cultivate an ever-widening circle of compassion that touches the lives of many.

28 May
  • From Self-Care to World-Care: Widening the Circle of Compassion

    Teacher: Lucy Draper-Clarke
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R400 surcharge

    lucy draper clarke phd 2019When you cultivate love and compassion for all beings, that means every being, including yourself.” Chamtrul Rinpoche

    Have you been feeling overwhelmed, disillusioned or fearful recently? You’re not alone. The first noble truth acknowledges the existence and inevitability of suffering in our lives. Yet, within every human heart is an innate and profoundly sustaining capacity for compassion. This capacity allows us to acknowledge the suffering of ourselves and others, and to respond with kindness and understanding rather than judgment or avoidance. Compassion is both an individual and collective practice that can transform the world around us.

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    Lucy Draper-Clarke PhD, author of The Compassionate Activist will walk beside you through the Four Immeasurables of loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. These ancient practices support us to expand our circle of compassion. Through experiential and interactive activities, you will learn how to apply these practices in your daily life. Join Lucy on this transformative retreat and learn how to cultivate an ever-widening circle of compassion that touches the lives of many.