03 - 09 August, 2020
04 August
  • Healing, Transformation, Inner-Peace And Self-Love (online)

    Teacher: Dominique Garnett
    Cost: Donation to support the BRC during the COVID-19 lockdown
    Dates: 09:00am - 10:00am 

    dominique garnettHo'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian prayer used for healing, transformation, inner-peace and self-love.

    It's a simple yet powerful way to bring healing and forgiveness into your life stream. The intention is not about saying, "I forgive you because what you did was okay." Rather, it's saying, "I forgive you because by holding onto these feelings, I'm holding onto something that's already over. I love myself enough to stop reliving what was hurtful enough the first time."

    Time: 09:00-10:00 a.m.



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    Dominique Garnett is a Counselling Psychologist, Narrative Therapist, writer, artist and foodie enthusiast. She has a practice on the North Coast of KwaZulu Natal where she connects with people in therapeutic conversations as they explore meaning-making in a holistic way. She offers workshops and weekend retreats exploring health and wellness.

  • Journey Within: Making Sense Of Your Inner Landscape (online)

    Teacher: Nicholas Burnand and Sarah Dekker
    Cost: Donation
    Dates: 07:30pm - 09:30pm 

    nicholas burnandsarah dekkerIn many spiritual traditions, the ego is seen as singular. What if we each had multiple egos? What if it was possible to form a relationship with each of these sub-personalities? What if these multiple egos were actually willing to co-operate and collaborate? What if trying to transcend ego is the very reason that ego persists?
    In this webinar we will use a combination of theory and meditation practice to explore the multiplicity of mind.

    Time: 7:30-9:30pm


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    Nicholas Burnand was born in South Africa, and currently lives in the North of Belgium. He has travelled the world, exploring different inner transformation and communication practices. His focus as a teacher and therapist is offering workshops and retreats to support people through deeply transformative inner journeys. He combines inner parts processes (I.F.S.) and unified mindfulness with Nonviolent communication to form a powerful trio that support living more authentically and free.

    Sarah Dekker grew up in Ghana, Botswana, the Netherlands, Mozambique and South Africa where she engaged with people from many different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. She found herself looking for connection and building bridges to overcome our stories of separation and steer ourselves towards a common humanity. She studied gender and conflict studies, longing to better understand identity constructs and social hierarchies and to figure out how divides between people might be deconstructed. After university her focus shifted from the academic to the experiential and spiritual, becoming more aware of our inner world and our interconnectedness with the broader web of life. She attended many workshops and trained in various modalities. Nonviolent Communication and Dyad practice have become essential components of her daily life and constitute the most transformative tools she has encountered.

08 August
  • Stoep Zen (online)

    Teacher: Antony Osler and Margie Osler
    Cost: Donation to support the BRC during the COVID-19 lockdown
    Dates: 09:00am - 12:30pm 

    anthony and margie oslerTo celebrate the BRC’s 40th birthday, we will do nothing special and we will do it together.’

    This was the beginning of the pre-lockdown write-up for the BRC August 2020 Stoep Zen retreat.

    Since then our world has changed and our practice is to change with it. We will still do nothing special together but now we will do so in our kitchens, lounges, and bedrooms, in our robes, pyjamas, long-johns and slippers.

    This is still Zen as the practice of friendship, but now we can broaden our idea of what this means to us. So, we will explore the intimacy of being geographically remote, the intimacy of meeting on screen, the intimacy of just listening, and the intimacy of turning off our screens and finding our seat. We will look at how to sit upright in an upside-down world.

    All of the talks will take place via Zoom – some of this will be audio-visual while some may be audio only. The talks may also include chanting and guided meditation instruction.

    Meditations outside the Zoom sessions are done by yourself individually, should you choose to participate, but they still form part of the group’s shared activity (and Antony and Margie will be sitting in the Poplar Grove zendo at those times).

    Saturday 8 August 2020Register

    09:00 – 10:30 Zoom talk and meditation
    11:00 – 11:30 Meditation (offline)
    12:00 – 12:30 Meditation (offline)

    Sunday 9 August 2020Register

    08:00 – 08:30 Meditation (offline)
    09:00 – 09:45 Zoom Talk
    10:00 – 10:30 Meditation (offline)
    11:00 – 11:30 Meditation (offline)
    12:00 – 12:30 Meditation (offline)

    Monday 10 August 2020 Register

    08:00 – 08:30 Meditation (offline)
    09:00 – 09:45 Zoom Talk
    10:00 – 10:30 Meditation (offline)
    11:00 – 11:30 Meditation (offline)
    12:00 – 12:30 Meditation (offline)

    View teacher details
    Antony Osler was the first meditation teacher at the BRC in the early 1980’s. He spent some years as a Zen monk with Joshu Sasaki Roshi and later received inka from Zen master Dae Gak of Furnace Mountain. A legal arbitrator in his professional life, he has published three popular books on living a Zen life in South Africa: Stoep Zen, Zen Dust and Mzansi Zen (Jacana Media). In 2016, he was awarded the Chancellor’s Medal of the University of Free State for exceptional services to the country. He lives with his family on a farm in the Karoo where he sits on the stoep, meditates in an old shearing shed and holds Zen retreats with his wife, Margie.

    Margie Osler is a teacher in the lineage of Furnace Mountain. She leads Zen retreats jointly with her husband, Antony, and runs regular workshops for abused and traumatized children.

09 August
  • Stoep Zen (online)

    Teacher: Antony Osler and Margie Osler
    Cost: Donation to support the BRC during the COVID-19 lockdown
    Dates: 09:00am - 12:30pm 

    anthony and margie oslerTo celebrate the BRC’s 40th birthday, we will do nothing special and we will do it together.’

    This was the beginning of the pre-lockdown write-up for the BRC August 2020 Stoep Zen retreat.

    Since then our world has changed and our practice is to change with it. We will still do nothing special together but now we will do so in our kitchens, lounges, and bedrooms, in our robes, pyjamas, long-johns and slippers.

    This is still Zen as the practice of friendship, but now we can broaden our idea of what this means to us. So, we will explore the intimacy of being geographically remote, the intimacy of meeting on screen, the intimacy of just listening, and the intimacy of turning off our screens and finding our seat. We will look at how to sit upright in an upside-down world.

    All of the talks will take place via Zoom – some of this will be audio-visual while some may be audio only. The talks may also include chanting and guided meditation instruction.

    Meditations outside the Zoom sessions are done by yourself individually, should you choose to participate, but they still form part of the group’s shared activity (and Antony and Margie will be sitting in the Poplar Grove zendo at those times).

    Saturday 8 August 2020Register

    09:00 – 10:30 Zoom talk and meditation
    11:00 – 11:30 Meditation (offline)
    12:00 – 12:30 Meditation (offline)

    Sunday 9 August 2020Register

    08:00 – 08:30 Meditation (offline)
    09:00 – 09:45 Zoom Talk
    10:00 – 10:30 Meditation (offline)
    11:00 – 11:30 Meditation (offline)
    12:00 – 12:30 Meditation (offline)

    Monday 10 August 2020 Register

    08:00 – 08:30 Meditation (offline)
    09:00 – 09:45 Zoom Talk
    10:00 – 10:30 Meditation (offline)
    11:00 – 11:30 Meditation (offline)
    12:00 – 12:30 Meditation (offline)

    View teacher details
    Antony Osler was the first meditation teacher at the BRC in the early 1980’s. He spent some years as a Zen monk with Joshu Sasaki Roshi and later received inka from Zen master Dae Gak of Furnace Mountain. A legal arbitrator in his professional life, he has published three popular books on living a Zen life in South Africa: Stoep Zen, Zen Dust and Mzansi Zen (Jacana Media). In 2016, he was awarded the Chancellor’s Medal of the University of Free State for exceptional services to the country. He lives with his family on a farm in the Karoo where he sits on the stoep, meditates in an old shearing shed and holds Zen retreats with his wife, Margie.

    Margie Osler is a teacher in the lineage of Furnace Mountain. She leads Zen retreats jointly with her husband, Antony, and runs regular workshops for abused and traumatized children.

  • Stoep Zen (online)

    Teacher: Antony Osler and Margie Osler
    Cost: Donation to support the BRC during the COVID-19 lockdown
    Dates: 09:00am - 12:30pm 

    anthony and margie oslerTo celebrate the BRC’s 40th birthday, we will do nothing special and we will do it together.’

    This was the beginning of the pre-lockdown write-up for the BRC August 2020 Stoep Zen retreat.

    Since then our world has changed and our practice is to change with it. We will still do nothing special together but now we will do so in our kitchens, lounges, and bedrooms, in our robes, pyjamas, long-johns and slippers.

    This is still Zen as the practice of friendship, but now we can broaden our idea of what this means to us. So, we will explore the intimacy of being geographically remote, the intimacy of meeting on screen, the intimacy of just listening, and the intimacy of turning off our screens and finding our seat. We will look at how to sit upright in an upside-down world.

    All of the talks will take place via Zoom – some of this will be audio-visual while some may be audio only. The talks may also include chanting and guided meditation instruction.

    Meditations outside the Zoom sessions are done by yourself individually, should you choose to participate, but they still form part of the group’s shared activity (and Antony and Margie will be sitting in the Poplar Grove zendo at those times).

    Saturday 8 August 2020Register

    09:00 – 10:30 Zoom talk and meditation
    11:00 – 11:30 Meditation (offline)
    12:00 – 12:30 Meditation (offline)

    Sunday 9 August 2020Register

    08:00 – 08:30 Meditation (offline)
    09:00 – 09:45 Zoom Talk
    10:00 – 10:30 Meditation (offline)
    11:00 – 11:30 Meditation (offline)
    12:00 – 12:30 Meditation (offline)

    Monday 10 August 2020 Register

    08:00 – 08:30 Meditation (offline)
    09:00 – 09:45 Zoom Talk
    10:00 – 10:30 Meditation (offline)
    11:00 – 11:30 Meditation (offline)
    12:00 – 12:30 Meditation (offline)

    View teacher details
    Antony Osler was the first meditation teacher at the BRC in the early 1980’s. He spent some years as a Zen monk with Joshu Sasaki Roshi and later received inka from Zen master Dae Gak of Furnace Mountain. A legal arbitrator in his professional life, he has published three popular books on living a Zen life in South Africa: Stoep Zen, Zen Dust and Mzansi Zen (Jacana Media). In 2016, he was awarded the Chancellor’s Medal of the University of Free State for exceptional services to the country. He lives with his family on a farm in the Karoo where he sits on the stoep, meditates in an old shearing shed and holds Zen retreats with his wife, Margie.

    Margie Osler is a teacher in the lineage of Furnace Mountain. She leads Zen retreats jointly with her husband, Antony, and runs regular workshops for abused and traumatized children.