
Detailed List of Retreats

Events for the week :
22 June 2020 - 28 June 2020
22 June
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23 June
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24 June
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25 June
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26 June
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27 June
  • Sacred Drumming (online)

    Teacher: Richard Ellis and Marc Kress
    Cost: Donation to support the BRC during the COVID-19 lockdown
    Dates: 03:00pm - 04:30pm 

    richard ellismarc kressDrumming and music-making are ancient ways of opening ourselves to spiritual realms of healing, creativity and a shift in consciousness. Drumming promotes a sense of belonging and well-being, deep relaxation and healing. In this virtual retreat we will learn basic drumming techniques and explore a few simple rhythms from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

    Time: 3:00-4:30 pm


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    Richard Ellis has been a drummer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist for the past forty years. He was a founding member of The Usuals with Kenny Henson. He formed the first all-percussion group Interitmo with Mike Mazzoni in 1997, and in 1999 started the first Drum Circle in Durban at the Bat Centre. Over the past twenty years he has conducted corporate team building, sound relaxation therapy and healing workshops with Marc Kress. He facilitates sound journey meditation/rhythm workshops on drums and percussion for all ages and levels of expertise. His mission is to connect people with their inner rhythm and sound, thereby helping to create a stress-free community.

    Marc Kress is a yoga teacher and percussionist living in Durban. He was attracted to the yoga path while travelling through India in 2003: “I discovered a path of self-practice and discipline that fulfils my desire to grow on a spiritual level by working with the body and mind”. He has been practising and studying in India and South Africa with various teachers in different styles of yoga, including Hatha, Vinyāsa, Astanga, Iyengar and Sivananda.

28 June
  • Discovering The Mysteries Of 'Ubuntu' From The Perspective Of Traditional South African Healing (online)

    Teacher: John Lockley
    Cost: Donation to support the BRC during the COVID-19 lockdown
    Dates: 12:00pm - 01:15pm 

    johnandnomusaUbuntu means 'I am what I am because of who we all are'. It first starts with the individual's decision to connect with their humanity and then this prayer or intention ripples out into the wider community, wilderness and spirit world.
    Join Sangoma John Lockley as he helps you explore one of the oldest mystery teachings in Southern Africa; the circle of Ubuntu; what John sometimes refers to as 'African Zen'.
    Our humanness is more than just our ability to think, it's about our ability to love.
    This webinar will discuss traditional South African ideas around ancestors, dreams, plant medicine and the natural world. For more information about John and his work please see his book 'Leopard Warrior', audio teachings, 'The Way of the Leopard' and website www.johnlockley.com.

    Time: 12:00-1:15pm

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    John Lockley is a traditionally trained sangoma from the Xhosa culture, with over 20 years' experience. He was taught the essence of 'Ubuntu' by his Xhosa elders in the Eastern Cape. He has lectured and run retreats all over the world stressing the importance of 'Ubuntu' ('Humanness') and our need to unite as a human race and reconnect to our "bones and blood". The name he was given by his Xhosa teacher MaMngwevu in 1996 was 'Ucingolweendaba' which means "The messenger or bridge between people and cultures". This is an auspicious name and reflects his calling and mission to help bridge African spirituality and western psychology. John also has a background in Zen Buddhism and was a zen student under the late Zen Master Su Bong from South Korea. His recently published book "Leopard Warrior" is a bestseller and is an account of his pioneering journey in crossing the 'rubicon' or divide between white and black people in South Africa.