Saturday 30 September 2023
  • A Taste of Somatics: Feeling And Healing The Body From Within

    Teacher: Lisa Firer
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R350 surcharge

    lisa firer oct2021Join Lisa for a weekend of mindfulness-based-somatic movement in the tradition of Clinical Somatics. Learn gentle and mindful body-based practices to help release chronic tensions that underlie pain and stress. The retreat will offer some theory of somatic movement in general and Clinical Somatics specifically. Exploring the communication between the brain, nervous system and muscular system, we will learn about pandiculation, nature's way of releasing tension from the body. We will weave Basic Mindfulness practices and meditations throughout the retreat, develop your inner awareness and bring comfort and ease to the body through this slow and mindful approach. You will leave the retreat with some tools and practices to become your own body worker. This weekend is suitable for everyone and will meet you where you are. Begin an inner dialogue with your body, reminding it of its intelligence!

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    Lisa Firer is an artist and facilitator. Focused on embodied learning, her approach is strongly rooted in mindfulness and movement. She trained to teach the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programme in 2005 at the University of Massachusetts, USA, Centre for Mindfulness and has a certification in teaching Mindfulness-based Interventions from Stellenbosch University. Lisa is also an internationally accredited Biodanza facilitator, a system of human development using music and movement. She is Level 3 facilitator of somatic movement exercises through the Somatic Movement Centre and has a certification in Pain Reprocessing Therapy.