Saturday 26 August 2023
  • Doing Your Own Thing: A Self-Retreat

    Teacher: Nelson Alvares will lead guided walks and sunrise meditation and Venessa Muller will offer guided meditation.
    Cost: 2 days accommodation

    nelson alvaresvenessa mullerPeople often yearn for an opportunity to recalibrate their lives and to spend some time in quiet reflection among like-minded people. The BRC provides such a refuge - where silence is a precious commodity. This weekend will be unstructured for you to do as much (or as little) reading, walking, meditating, relaxing and resting as you choose. Enjoy hiking and bird watching in 300 acres of beautiful rolling hills, parklands, indigenous valleys and forests. Savour our delicious vegetarian food, browse our well-stocked library, visit the stupa and the raked Zen sand gardens; walk the labyrinth; reflect on the 8 trees associated with the Buddha’s life, enlightenment and death in the beautiful Buddha Boma. Spend solitary time in our deer forest  and tune into just being in the present moment. Self retreating is an ideal opportunity to be in a gentle, sympathetic space where one can be still and get in touch with oneself and reflect on the things that crowd one’s life. Nelson Alvares will lead guided walks and sunrise meditation and Venessa Muller will  offer guided meditation.