Sunday 20 August 2023
  • Relaxation: Opening And Relaxing The Heart And Mind

    Teacher: Pippa Cope
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R350 surcharge

    pippa copeEverybody experiences tranquility from time to time, because this open quality of mind is natural to us all. Yet, often our bodies and minds tighten and freeze to life’s challenges and stresses, even though creative solutions and expansive ideas are most likely to arise from a relaxed state. Healing Relaxation - designed by the late Akong Tulku Rinpoche, a wise Tibetan Buddhist healer - is a simple, highly practical, yet profound programme which helps people repair the strains and tensions resulting from the conditions of modern life, and prevents them from developing in the first place. Relaxation and awareness practices can enhance our ability to access calm, expansive states of mind intentionally throughout our day. In this workshop, we will explore the benefits of developing calmer states of mind, and learn effective relaxation, breathing and visualisation techniques.

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    Pippa Cope has been involved with the Tara Rokpa Therapy Process, Healing Relaxation, a creative fusion of Tibetan and western Wisdom, since 1997, and was authorised to practise as a senior helper in South Africa. Having worked in the caring, therapeutic and development fields in the UK, Zimbabwe and Sri lanka, she is currently a resident at Tara Rokpa Centre, Groot Marico.

  • Enquiring Into The Tibetan Schemata Of The Five Elements Of Earth, Water, Fire And Space Externally And Within Ourselves

    Teacher: Pippa Cope
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R350 surcharge

    pippa copeThe five elements provide a dynamic system of understanding life. They make up the world around us and are in all living organisms -  only the proportions differ. When the elements are in balance there is ease and harmony, when out of balance there is dis-ease and disharmony. The balance is constantly changing within and around us.
    To help us learn how to work with this ever-changing balance of the elements in a positive way, we first have to get to know them. In this retreat we will become familiar with the characteristics and qualities of each, and observe their interaction. At the same time, we learn to observe our mind-body states in relation to the elements. There will be guided relaxation and creative work around each element, including observation and creative activities. Optional gentle mindful movement before breakfast will be offered. Please bring loose, comfortable clothing suitable for outdoor activities.

    View teacher details
    Pippa Cope has been involved with the Tara Rokpa Therapy Process, Healing Relaxation, a creative fusion of Tibetan and western Wisdom, since 1997, and was authorised to practise as a senior helper in South Africa. Having worked in the caring, therapeutic and development fields in the UK, Zimbabwe and Sri lanka, she is currently a resident at Tara Rokpa Centre, Groot Marico.