Saturday 18 March 2023
  • From Fear To Fundamental Well-Being: Healing Relaxation, Yoga and Meditation

    Teacher: Albert Osel (Buhr)
    Cost: 4 days accommodation + R400 surcharge

    albert st mammes oselAlbert Osel (Buhr) will offer a relaxation retreat with methods to soothe and balance the nervous system, and heal the mind from excessive negative thought patterns. Counteracting the contractions of chronic stress will help participants access states of bliss, clarity, peace and kindness.

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    Albert St Mammes Osel travelled the world to learn the best methods for subduing the stress response, after he recovered from debilitating anxiety himself.  A former novice monk, he now runs workshops for people struggling with severe anxiety, and facilitates mindfulness programs in the corporate environment. As a member of Harvard's Langer Mindfulness Institute he has taken his workshops to an international audience. His book, Angel of Fear, was published in 2016.