
Detailed List of Retreats

Events for
Thursday 26 May 2022
  • Systems Constellations: Healing Trauma Through Restoring Strengths And Creativity

    Teacher: Vasintha Pather
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R350 surcharge

    vasintha patherSystems Constellations, including Family Constellations and Organisational Constellations, is a powerful therapeutic process that seeks to reveal hidden familial or collective dynamics impacting current experiences and relationships. Often a system may be out of balance due to exclusions, historical trauma or energetic entanglements that cause disorder or dysfunction. When these hidden dynamics - which may be trans-generational - are revealed, it may offer pathways to acceptance, healing and healthier functioning. The effects of trauma can become powerful forces that weaken a system’s health. As balance is restored those patterns that bring new creative life and energy must therefore be strengthened. On this retreat we will look to reveal and include these life-giving, creative forces in the constellating process. Expect a combination of systems constellating - learning about healing from trauma-related symptoms, creative art-making and reflection with time to restore and nourish ourselves.

    A typical constellation takes place in a workshop setting made up of a group of unrelated participants. Participants represent members or aspects of the system being constellated and through this representation, dynamics can be revealed and released, and healthier patterns can be included.

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    Vasintha Pather works as a registered Drama Therapist and certified Systems Constellations Facilitator, dealing with people across a range of areas including GBV, stress, anxiety, trauma integration, leadership and life transitions. Specialist areas include developmental trauma, attachment-based trauma, trauma relating to race and gender discrimination and organisational trauma. She also has an organisational psychology underpinning and works internationally in organisational and leadership development. Her work is primarily focused on supporting leaders and teams to cultivate healthy, innovative cultures.