It is often our personal struggles that bring us to a retreat setting. But, is Buddhism meant to be a form of psychotherapy? This retreat will explore the potential of traditional Buddhist practices such as Vipassana as a means of better understanding and effectively addressing our personal struggles. We will look at how we can combine ideas from secular Buddhism, existential philosophy and psychotherapy in order to go beyond ourselves and “embrace the totality of experience”. The retreat will include qigong (chi kung), meditation and short periods of silence.
(maximum 10 participants)
“ If you bring forth that which is within you, what you bring forth, will save you...."
If you do not bring forth that which is within you.... What you do not bring forth, will destroy you”....
Have you been feeling lost, blocked or stuck?
Transition Online is designed to support you through the effects of the emotional and mental challenges you have experienced during 2020 in a way that resolves even age old trauma and transforms not only your present, but also your future...
'To have what you do not yet have, you have to go where you have not yet been. There is no other way!'
With this in mind, we are thrilled to bring you Transition Online to deeply and profoundly resolve relevant and related issues...
Part 1: Saturday 14, 21, 28 November
(a) Register for Session A: 7-8.30/9am
OR on the same dates
(b) Register for Session B: 10-11.30/12
Part 2 & 3: Sat & Sun 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20 December
(a) Register for Session A: 7-8.30/9am
OR on the same dates
(b) Register for Session B: 10-11.30/12
Registrants please note:
To be part of this workshop:
Clear your energy field, mind and emotions & move into 2021 with renewed clarity, purpose & enthusiasm for life.
Please make payments to
Or EFT to:
Account holder: Monique Beekmann
Institutions name: Nedbank
Branch code:196005
Account type: Current/Cheque
Account number: 112 435 3240
Join Lisa for a taster of somatic movement. These gentle and mindful body-based practices help release chronic tension and pain, reduce stress and develop compassionate awareness of your body.
Leave the session with a few movements to take away and join the in-person retreat at the BRC next year to learn more.
4:00-5:30pm | Register