
Detailed List of Retreats

Events for
Saturday 24 August 2019
  • Nia Technique: How to love and appreciate your body through music, movement, dance and martial arts

    Teacher: Karyn Cardoso
    Cost: 2 days’ accommodation + R350 surcharge

    karyn cordoso2017Learn why Nia is a lifestyle practice that strengthens your ability to sustain body-centred awareness and vitalises your nervous system. Feel how every cell in your body can vibrate in joy and how you are connected to everything that surrounds you. It is more than a cardio dance fitness class.

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    Karyn Cardoso has danced since she could walk. Her interests lie in philosophy, science and spirituality. A Waldorf Kindergarten teacher by profession, her passion is to share Nia, The Dance Of Life, with others as it connects us to our inner essence, bringing joy, fitness and healing at all levels.