Wednesday 24 July 2019
  • Reincarnation. What Happens During Death And Dying Beyond? Can this be known?

    Teacher: Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche
    Cost: 2 day's accommodation + R250 surcharge

    khentrul lodro thaye rinpocheWhen we think about death, most of us feel sadness, anxiety, fear or even denial, since we are dealing with the great unknown. Facing the inevitability of death also generates many unanswered questions and by fearing death we miss the countless opportunities in our everyday life for working with loss and change as vehicles for opening our hearts and minds. With skilful and compassionate guidance, Khentrul Rinpoche will present a meaningful explanation of the Buddhist perspective of death, dying and beyond, in the hope that we will feel far more relaxed in facing this inevitable experience.

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    Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche was born in Tibet. He became a monk at  the age of seven and spent his life studying meditation and techniques for working with the mind to bring about positive change. During his training he received three Khenpo degrees - a Khenpo is equivalent to a PhD - from the most prominent Buddhist universities in the world. He is the abbot of a monastery in Eastern Tibet, and has been teaching in the West since 2002. He oversees more than twenty meditation groups across the United States and Canada and travels the world to lecture at universities, institutions, and private organizations. Rinpoche is an environmentalist and an advocate of vegetarianism. His teachings focus on changing oneself as a way to change the world. For more information, visit his website at www.katogcholing.com