Friday 14 June 2019
  • Ayurveda, Yoga And Meditation Retreat: A return to wholeness

    Teacher: Helen Altman
    Cost: 2 days' accommodation + R300 surcharge

    helen altman smlAyurveda - the knowledge of life - is a 5000 year old healing/health system that offers integrated, balanced living and preventative medicine. This ancient wisdom helps us to maintain health from deep within our systems, of which yoga and meditation are a part. In this retreat we will look at the fundamental guiding principles of Ayurveda. The daily rhythm includes a talk, followed by a class combining chi kung and simple, gentle, dynamic yoga for all levels of fitness, walking meditation, guided visualization, yoga nidra and breathing practices (pranayama). No previous experience is needed.

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    Helen Altman has explored the somatic experience from an early age, weaving the threads of dance, movement analysis, Buddhism, Ayurveda, yoga, yoga therapy, healing and meditative practice together. She has established two Yoga Dharma Centres over the last 35 years and now lives in McGregor in the Cape, where she offers private and small group retreats at her Stillness Sanctuary.