
Detailed List of Retreats

Events for
Sunday 17 March 2019
  • Healing Chi Kung - For Health And Vitality Embodying and radiating the chi

    Teacher: Dr Hu Jin-Yun
    Cost: 2 days' accommodation + R350 surcharge
    Dates: 08:00am - 05:00pm 

    dr hu jinyun smlExplore this ancient Chinese practice that boosts one’s health and vitality. Participants will learn the key techniques of how to master chi kung and incorporate it into their daily lives, effortlessly. These techniques are easy to learn, are useful and powerful. The healing power of chi kung works on both the physical and spiritual level - if it is done correctly. These techniques include breathing, timing, warm ups, postures, movement and mind projection. Dr Hu will also introduce Chinese medicine for detoxing, lowering cholesterol, decreasing body fat and relieving water retention. This retreat is designed to suit beginners, as well as those who have practised chi kung previously.

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    Dr Hu Jin-Yun is a certified Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor in China. He is a registered Acupuncture Practitioner at the AHSPCA, as well as the BHF in South Africa. He received his Master’s Degree in medicine from the Heilongjiang Chinese Medicine University in China. Currently, he is finalizing his research for his PhD. Apart from his medical and academic studies, Dr Hu has been practising Tai-Chi Quan, and Qi Kung in Taiwan since 1995. He now lives in Somerset West, in the Cape. He has his own private TCM clinic, the Helderberg Acupuncture And Healing Centre, where he practises this ancient art form of Traditional Chinese healing. He regularly presents seminars to the SAACMA (South African Association of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture) and has been lecturing at the Juniata College in America since 2013.