
Detailed List of Retreats

Events for
Saturday 13 October 2018
  • The Genius Programme: How to move from habit thinking to genius living To innovate yourself and live with a younger mind

    Teacher: Graeme Butchart
    Cost: 2 days’ accommodation + R300 surcharge

    graeme butchartWe are all born genius. That is to say - we all begin with the full spectrum of intelligence - analytical, operational, emotional and creative. Yet, as our journey through life unfolds, we begin to adjust and conform to societal structures and norms - one of which is the manner in which we acquire the abundant knowledge, that is there for the taking. These standards and conformities ultimately produce a different thinking and behavioural mind from the one we started with, often to our detriment. Much of what we learn is beneficial. Equally, a great deal of our gained knowledge ends up getting in our way, limiting our thinking and reducing our experience of life; stunting our growth, defeating self-development and self-awareness. The Genius Programme helps identify those voices of judgement that have captured our thinking and created unproductive habits. It introduces new liberating tools that rebirth the intuitive and creative aspects of ourselves, and provides everyday practical exercises that connect us to the genius within.

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    Graeme Butchart journeyed into education, following thirty years in the “rabbit hole” of advertising. He lectures in creativity, innovation and communication at numerous institutions and business schools. His passion for the development of the willing mind was the motivation to study consciousness-coaching in 2005. Working with many diverse groups and individuals helped him to recognise that everyone has vast creative potential, left mostly untapped, causing many to remain “stuck” in their habits of living. Wishing to contribute, he wrote The Genius Programme, a practical workbook that helps to guide the individual into an innovation of self and the discovery of purpose.