
Detailed List of Retreats

The Rough Writing Road: Keeping a journal

Teacher: Dorian Haarhoff
Cost: 2 days accommodation + R350 surcharge
Dates: Sunday 26 September 2021 - Tuesday 28 September 2021

dorian haarhof 2019The journal is a vehicle for my sense of selfhood. it does not simply record my actual, daily life but rather - in many cases - offers an alternative to it - Susan Sontag

Journals inform and support all genres - as a think book, as a non-think one, a plan book or an open-hearted one. Instants of inspiration. A home for the imagination, the cauldron of creativity. Moments of synchronicity. As William Blake says kissing the moment as it flies. So, come and kiss the moment.

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Dorian Haarhoff is a writer, story-teller and mentor. Passionate about developing innate creativity and imagination, he believes in the power of stories to spread loving-kindness, to grow the moment and bring healing. Dorian’s workshops are based on his text, The Writer’s Voice. He draws his inspiration from mythology, whole-brain theory, narrative therapy, Zen, creation spirituality, the new physics and eco-and Jungian psychology. He is a former Professor of English (Namibia) who has taught at the BRC for 25 years. His poems appear in the BRC cookbooks, Quiet Food and The Cake the Buddha Ate.