
Detailed List of Retreats

Zen Pen: A Writing, Being And Meditation Retreat

Teacher: Dorian Haarhoff
Cost: 3 days accommodation + R350 surcharge
Dates: Thursday 23 September 2021 - Sunday 26 September 2021

dorian haarhof 2019Looking at your image in a clear stream,
you answer the question by your very presence

In this retreat we explore the connection between writing and meditation. We write and meditate on the many changes and transformations we experience as we journey along the river of our lives. We consider how creativity steadies the boat and how writing helps us dip the oars into dark water so we may navigate the river safely.

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Dorian Haarhoff is a writer, story-teller and mentor. Passionate about developing innate creativity and imagination, he believes in the power of stories to spread loving-kindness, to grow the moment and bring healing. Dorian’s workshops are based on his text, The Writer’s Voice. He draws his inspiration from mythology, whole-brain theory, narrative therapy, Zen, creation spirituality, the new physics and eco-and Jungian psychology. He is a former Professor of English (Namibia) who has taught at the BRC for 25 years. His poems appear in the BRC cookbooks, Quiet Food and The Cake the Buddha Ate.