
Detailed List of Retreats

The Four Truths Of The Noble Ones; Suffering, Cause, Freedom, Path (online)

Teacher: Anna Scharfenberg and Jonathan Preboy
Cost: Donation to support the BRC during the COVID-19 lockdown
Dates: Sunday 07 June 2020 - Wednesday 17 June 2020

anna scharfenberg 2020jonathan preboyThe four truths re-discovered and taught by the Buddha (the elephants footprint)

Please register in advance for these sessions.

Session 1: Understanding the dynamics of the four truths
Sunday, June 7, 2020 02:00 - 3:30 PM
Session 1

Session 2: Investigating the cause of suffering
Wednesday, June 10, 2020 07:00-08:30 PM
Session 2 

Session 3: Realizing freedom and the benefits of meditation
Sunday, June 14, 2020 02:00-03:30 PM
Session 3

Session 4: A path of freedom
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 07:00-08:30 PM
Session 4