
Detailed List of Retreats

Taming Fear And Anxiety (online)

Teacher: John Homewood
Cost: Donation to support the BRC during the COVID-19 lockdown
Dates: Friday 05 June 2020 - Friday 05 June 2020

john homewood nov2019

Fear and anxiety are many people’s constant unwelcome companions during these uncertain times.
In this Satsang, John will share insights from his ‘Map of the Matrix’, which is a powerful tool in moving through the uncomfortable or even debilitating emotions that people are dealing with. He will provide tools for living from a place of greater stability and peace.

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John Homewood is an international inspirational speaker, corporate trainer, personal growth facilitator and spiritual life coach. He has a passion for expanding people’s awareness and understanding their potential. He has the ability to impart deep truths in an easy and understandable way.

Time: 7:00-8:00 pm
