
Detailed List of Retreats

Your Precious Life: Discovering avenues to meaning and purpose

Teacher: Klasie Wessels and Samantha Sparkes
Cost: 2 days’ accommodation + R250 surcharge
Dates: Friday 15 June 2018 - Sunday 17 June 2018

klasie wesselssamantha sparkles sOur search for meaning is the most prominent quest of our time. More and more people today are on a personal quest for meaning and a deeper sense of purpose, in the hope of enjoying a happier life. Logotherapy, as an existentialist analysis, was developed by Dr. Viktor Frankl - more famous for his book Man’s Search for Meaning. Frankl was practising as a neurologist and psychiatrist in Vienna when, as a Jew, he was sent to the concentration camps. There he refined his therapy on how to discover meaning in life despite suffering. This secular approach offers many parallels with that of Buddhist philosophy. The weekend workshop will include activities and worksheets to assist participants to discover their own unique path to meaning. It will also be infused with case studies from Tibetans who escaped from the Chinese occupation of their country, as living examples of how it is possible to live life powerfully despite severe challenges.

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Klasie Wessels is a leadership coach and his company Streetschool specializes in personal development with a strong emphasis on experiential learning. He works with groups and individuals on themes such as leadership, personal growth, and finding a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life. The most exciting part of Streetschool’s offering are the experiential workshops to India and expeditions to Everest Base Camp in Nepal. Since 2011, he has taken more than 300 people on 26 such personal development journeys. Klasie spent 25 years with the Advertising Group FCB – the last 10 years as Managing Director and Chairman of the Johannesburg office. He lectures Logotherapy at Unisa’s Centre of Applied Psychology and is Chairman of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy SA.

Samantha Sparkes has an M.A. in Industrial Psychology from Wits University. She is a qualified life coach and Logotherapy Educator. Most of her 20 year career in the corporate world has been in organizational and team development, change management and training. Currently she is the head of Supply Chain Training and Stakeholder Engagement at Sasol. She and Klasie Wessels are co-authoring a book on finding meaning in the workplace.