
Detailed List of Retreats

SoulCollage®: "Know yourself - and you will conquer the universe..."

Teacher: Corinna Botoulas
Cost: 2 days’ accommodation + R250 surcharge Botoulas
Dates: Friday 18 May 2018 - Sunday 20 May 2018

corinna boutalas smlSoulCollage® is a fun, easy, and creative way to express your inner world. Using intuition, imagination, and your willingness to explore, you will learn to create a deeply personal deck of wisdom cards. These collaged cards represent the varied and uniquely personalised aspects of who you are. They will lead you on a journey of self-discovery. By re-connecting to your innate creativity and accessing and enhancing your intuition, you open up the channel to your soul’s wisdom and access the potential which resides within you. SoulCollage® taps into the transformative power of images, intuition and synchronicity where you gravitate to images that have meaning for you - even though you may not know why. SoulCollage® works directly with the language of symbols, images and archetypes. The weekend workshop is about resting your left brain and using your right brain to connect with your soul as you play with images, shapes and colours.  No previous experience is required.

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Corinna Botoulas is a Horticulture graduate. She has run her landscaping business since 1994. Parallel to this she also runs her healing practice. A graduate of Reiki, Astrology and a Soul Collage® Facilitator, her passion lies in empowering people to discover 'their inner soul-full selves' and to awaken them to their life's potential and a deeper self-understanding of themselves.