Ukuphosa itshe esivivaneni –
Make a personal contribution to a great and worthy task
The earth is in a sorry state ecologically, socially, economically, politically and spiritually. It is fraught with tensions, discontent, dis-ease, divisiveness and unethical behaviour. Scientists maintain that ‘humans are eating away their own life-support systems at a rate unseen in the last 10,000 years’. This mid-week retreat is for those who wish to develop ethical, compassionate, forward-looking, collaborative and effective leadership, and for those who feel unconfident about being able to make a real difference, but who really want to contribute to a better world. If “a flea can bite the bottom of the Pope in Rome” (Les Miserables: Little People) then we each can make an impact. You will experience and learn a model that is simple, practical and profound, and is comprised of deeper mindfulness, future orientation, more effective decision-making and organic behaviour change. Experiential and interactive, the learning will be through enjoyable exercises. We will develop a perspective whereby the serious remains serious, but is approached in a relaxed manner, and that 'activism' isn't necessarily confrontational. The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better. Oppositional energy only creates more of the same - Richard Rohr