
Detailed List of Retreats

Living Ayurveda

Teacher: Helen Altman
Cost: 2 days accommodation + R500 surcharge
Dates: Friday 21 November 2025 - Sunday 23 November 2025

helen altmanThis retreat is an invitation to integrate Ayurveda into your daily lives in simple ways that have a profound healing effect on your health and well-being.

There is a concept in Ayurveda called Dinacharya which comes from the root words 'Dina,' meaning 'day' and 'Charya,' which means 'guidelines' or 'to be founded in.' Thus meaning 'to be founded in the day' or as in Sanscrit defined as "the daily routine". According to Ayurveda one should follow Dinacharya in order to lead a healthy and disease free life. Ayurveda gives more emphasis on prevention of diseases than treating a disease. The wisdom of wellness in daily life in Ayurveda really provides a map for health and longevity. The small habits that we cultivate regularly actually have deep long-term benefits for yourselves and your families.

Our daily retreat rhythm will include gentle somatic and therapeutic yoga practices, pranayama, restorative yoga nidra, walking meditation, visualisations, guidelines, notes and talks around Ayurveda and living an Ayurvedic lifestyle. All within a contemplative framework of silence to allow us to deepen our connection with our Prakriti -  essential nature. No previous experience is required and this retreat is suitable for all levels and ages.

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Helen Altman, yoga teacher, yoga therapist and Ayurvedic practitioner, has been practicing, teaching and seeped in yogic, Ayurveda and buddhist practices for 40 years. it is the central thread of her life tapestry. She brings a great love of teaching and sharing her large body of knowledge and experience to each workshop in user friendly ways that can easily be integrated into people’s lives.