Tai Chi, or to give it its full name, Tai Chi Chuan, has often been regarded as a dynamic form of Qigong, or ‘the cultivation of energy’ to help regulate one’s system and prevent disease, thereby leading to the development and maintenance of good health and well-being. Most people associate Tai Chi with flowing, graceful movements. Yet there is much more to the practice of this ancient Chinese art. The great Yang Tai Chi Master T.T. Liang (1900-2002), stated that there are four categories into which the principles of Tai Chi fall, namely health, self-defence, mental accomplishment and the road to immortality. In this retreat, Paul will demystify Tai Chi using the Yang style, which can be traced back to Ch’en Wang Ting (1597-1664). In this 2 or 5-day retreat, Paul’s intention is to inspire retreatants to further investigate Tai Chi and to find a teacher near their home.