
Write Away At The BRC

Teacher: Dorian Haarhoff
Cost: 2 days accommodation + R300 surcharge
Dates: Sunday 15 September 2024 - Tuesday 17 September 2024

dorian haarhof 2019A word is dead when it is said, some say. I say it just begins to live that day - Emily Dickinson

Are words and ideas stuck in your head? Want to shake them loose? Need inspiration and writing company? Create a word space? Befriend words/let words befriend you? Then this retreat is for you. Create a piece or craft one in process. So come away to the BRC to write away. In this retreat you’ll find encouragement and safe support. Breathe in the hills, dam, trees and walking paths. This retreat offers you:

prompts galore (lit matches)
solo and group time plus one-on-one support
fireside stories

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Dorian Haarhoff - writer, story-teller, mentor. For 25 plus years the BRC has enriched his life and practice. Passionate about developing innate creativity and imagination, he believes in the power of stories to spread loving kindness. To bring healing. To guide us into the here and now. To build our belonging. Dorian is a former Professor of English (Namibia) basing his retreats on his workbook The Writer’s Voice. His poetry appears in Quiet Food and he when grows up he would like to be Poet Dorieate of his spiritual home - the BRC.