
Detailed List of Retreats

Healing Balm Retreat - Restoring Balance And Calm

Teacher: Patti Good
Cost: 2 days accommodation + R300 surcharge
Dates: Tuesday 30 January 2024 - Thursday 01 February 2024

patti goodAre you longing for some blissful quiet time with yourself and time away from this crazy world to nourish and replenish your body and your mind? Space to rest and restore and connect deeply with your Inner Wisdom?

This gentle 2-day mid-week retreat is a beautiful way to open your heart, mind and body and come home to the peace that is always available within. We will create a delicious, sacred space for you to simply “be” with yourself. This will include spending time in meditation, enjoying Sacred Resting (a restorative relaxation process that allows you to reconnect with your intuition and Inner Wisdom) and profound, healing process work, along with journalling, time in nature and fireside chats. You will be able to leave the world behind and come home to yourself and back to your centre - to rest deeply, restore balance and find the sense of calm you long for.

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Patti Good is not your typical healer. She is more a "modern-day alchemist" bringing together her own unique blend of spiritual wisdom, deep therapeutic and trauma release tools, cutting-edge energy medicine and shamanic healing to inspire deep and meaningful change that lasts. She is a Senior Accredited Journey Therapist, a BodyTalk Practitioner and Reiki Master. She co-founded the Inner Journey Clinic on Harley street in London where she practised for many years. She is currently based in the Cotswolds in England and over the last 21 years, has worked with clients around the world to help them reclaim their power and raise their self-worth so radically that living their dreams becomes the only option.